About Doon Library & Research Centre

The Doon Library & Research Centre came into existence formally on March 16, 2006 with its registration under the Societies Registration Act. It became functional on December 8, 2006 when its present premises in the Parade Ground were inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Uttarakhand, Hon’ble Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari.

The Doon Library and Research Centre is an autonomous institution registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act. It is managed by a Governing Body with the Chief Secretary, Uttarakhand Government as the Chairman. The other members of the Governing body include Secretaries of the Departments of Finance, Planning, School Education, Culture and Higher Education of the Uttarakhand Government, eminent educationists and personalities nominated by the Governing Body. The administrative and academic head of the institution is the Director.

  • Books37353
  • Members7144
  • Journals/Magazine55
  • Publication56


To create a library and research centre in the field of humanities and social sciences with a special focus on mountain studies in general and Himalayan studies in particular, that will in course of time be recognised by the community of bibliophiles and scholars all over the world as one of the best centres for study and research on the Himalayas.


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